2024 Vineyard National Conference Form

If your child is entering 6th grade in the fall, you can choose between the Youth or Kids program. Similarly, students who graduate high school in May/June 2024 can choose to register for the Youth program or the main conference as a Young Adult (18-25).
Your roles & focus*
We'd love to know what you do at your church regardless if it's paid or volunteer. This will help us plan for role based meet-ups and more. Check all that apply.

Registrant Info

Part of our vision for teens who are "Growing up Vineyard" is that we get to pass it on to the next generation! Would your teen consider taking 3 hours to volunteer with Vineyard Kids? The kids love having teen role models to look up to—their presence will make a huge difference in kids lives! BONUS: if they sign up and serve, they'll get a $25 Amazon Gift Card as a thank you!