Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Argentina Partnership
At the University Vineyard we are committed to sending and supporting missionaries as the Lord leads. We currently are involved in missions in Argentina. Our commitment there is to raise up and equip leaders who have a desire to plant churches in their own country. We desire to equip and to train as well as to demonstrate the love of God by meeting various needs through practical means.
Youth Argentina Missions Trip
July 10-26, 2023
Click here for updates on the Youth Argentina Missions Trip
Please pray for the following:
That God would use us to share the Gospel and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Argentina.
For God's protection both physical and spiritual.
A safe journey to, in, and from Argentina.
Please pray for the following:
That God would use us to share the Gospel and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Argentina.
For God's protection both physical and spiritual.
A safe journey to, in, and from Argentina.
Jorge & Dulci
Jorge & Dulci are pastors of La Vina Cordoba in Cordoba Argentina. We are excited to be working with them in Argentina, doing the work of the Kingdom, spreading the Good News of the Gospel.

Marc & Karina
Dear Ray, John, and Jared too!
A word of thanks to you -again- for the days we spent together in Buenos Aires some weeks ago. Probably obvious to all, I had been up to that time under a great burden of weariness and discouragement. Those first months of 2023 have been for us a bit of a rough season and as you heard often during our days together, we were not seeing much evident fruit but rather complications and contradiction. But I want to say since those times of prayer that discouragement is gone from my heart. Those simple and sincere prayers did something powerful, not only inside but perhaps they broke something in the spirit. Since we came back, I am seeing many signs of the work of God in our people and much more response, even in small ways but they tell me God is doing something beautiful. Thank you for those earnest and compassionate prayers and words from the Lord, thank you for your love, thank you for making the time effort and expense to come, (thank you to the Partnership for their kind and generous gift to make those days possible!) thank you to your precious wives and families that managed life without you and allowed you to come that we could be blessed, refreshed, strengthened and encouraged. We so appreciate your friendship and support. May God give you back many times over what you gave here. And then some more. May this be a season of refreshing for you all and your church communities.
Blessed day to you all, Karina
A word of thanks to you -again- for the days we spent together in Buenos Aires some weeks ago. Probably obvious to all, I had been up to that time under a great burden of weariness and discouragement. Those first months of 2023 have been for us a bit of a rough season and as you heard often during our days together, we were not seeing much evident fruit but rather complications and contradiction. But I want to say since those times of prayer that discouragement is gone from my heart. Those simple and sincere prayers did something powerful, not only inside but perhaps they broke something in the spirit. Since we came back, I am seeing many signs of the work of God in our people and much more response, even in small ways but they tell me God is doing something beautiful. Thank you for those earnest and compassionate prayers and words from the Lord, thank you for your love, thank you for making the time effort and expense to come, (thank you to the Partnership for their kind and generous gift to make those days possible!) thank you to your precious wives and families that managed life without you and allowed you to come that we could be blessed, refreshed, strengthened and encouraged. We so appreciate your friendship and support. May God give you back many times over what you gave here. And then some more. May this be a season of refreshing for you all and your church communities.
Blessed day to you all, Karina